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On this weeks post I thought it'd be a good idea to talk about gratitude. The definition of gratitude is 'the quality of being thankful'. Now before you rush off thinking 'what a load of b****cks this is gonna be', just hear me out (read on..)

I truly believe being grateful for the things in your life can completely change your attitude in terms of living a positive or negative life. Now, I'm not saying that being grateful is gonna instantly cure your depression or suddenly bring you out of that bad mood / place. I have very much been a moody and negative person probably since hormones appeared in my life at the age of 13!

Whenever things went wrong I'd often (and still do at times) automatically tell myself 'this is how it's always going to be, I have no luck at all, why does this always happen to me? Blah blah blah'. What I found has helped me is to take a step back and count at least 3 good things in my life that I'm grateful for and think why am I grateful for those things? It can not only give you a distraction but give you time to see the good that's in your life despite it maybe feeling like a big black tunnel.

I don't lead the most perfect life and things don't always go the way I'd like them to, but who does? As human beings we are all quite similar in that respect. Don't get me wrong, some people certainly have it worse and I really do appreciate that. It's just important to look at all that you have in life, maybe it's not everything that you aspire to have, but that's okay, be grateful for the here and now.

And it's, not only important to be grateful for what you possess but also, challenges you've overcome, or how you've grown as a person, anything at all. Being grateful to yourself for overcoming some of life's crappiest times is just as important. So don't be afraid to recognise your accomplishments no matter how small they may be to you, be grateful and proud of yourself that you've succeeded in accomplishing them.

Ciao for now.

P.s. if you are interested, take a look at Will Smith's mini speech. It's rather incredible considering it's less than 2 minutes long.

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