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Unwinding and Forgetting Those Monday Blues..

This morning's post was all about beating the Monday blues, this afternoon's post is all about forgetting those Monday blues! It's just as important to unwind after a long day as it is to prepare for one.

Mondays are always tough, because they're the first day back at work/school or whatever it is you do. It's starting the week all over again and using the weekend as your motivation to get through it! They're tiring, so you need to take some time to unwind.

Take a moment to just CHILL. Don't rush in to housework the second you get home. Take a few minutes to have a sit down / change in to some comfy clothes (a personal favourite of mine to do).

I know we all have things to do, it's not as simple as coming home and lying on the sofa and not doing anything for the rest of the evening. Different things need to get done for different people, but put yourself first for a few minutes at least to relax, and then get on to what you need to do.

Catch up on your texts, social media, calls but don't let your phone consume the little brain power you have left!! Make yourself a cup of tea and allow your mind to have a pause after a busy day.

If you wear make up, take it all off and clean your face, you'll feel SO much fresher. Have a relaxing bath or shower and reeeeelax :).

Everyone has their preference on how to re-energise, pick yours whether it's going for a walk, watching some telly, going to the gym, or reading, only you know what works for you.

Get your to do's out of the way, whichever ones possible, you do not want to be leaving it all to the end of the night when you're shattered and bed is calling your name!

Refuel!! Eat some food, I can't even tell you to eat fruits, veg and sugar free foods because I am the worst for getting home and eating a ton of rubbish... But yes, food and water - important!

The important thing is to relax and try to let any stresses of the day be forgotten or at least put away for the night.

Get some blankets, get the cosy lights on and forget about work or school or whatever you've been up to. Let it be done. Congrats you survived another Monday!!

Happy Monday evening....

Ciao for now.

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