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Taking Care Of Your Mental Health

Mental health is something that is very much overlooked yet is an increasing issue in the world and is equally essential if not more than our physical health. In this post I'd like to discuss some different ways of properly looking after your mental health.

We spend every single day in our or with (whichever way you want to look at it) our minds, so it makes sense to be kind to it and nurture it as much as possible. Of course, we're all very different and different ways help different people so take from this what you want.

One point I'd like to really stress here is that it is in no way selfish to take time to look after yourself. Self care is necessary to keep ourselves healthy.

As we begin to move in to the colder months, it is even more important to remind ourselves to take care of ourselves mentally. The nights get darker earlier and the mornings are slow to rise, it's easy enough to feel isolated and unmotivated.

This brings me to my first point which is to get out as much as you can in the sunshine/when the sun is supposedly out aka day time!! I'd recommend at least 20 minutes a day, I also take multivitamins or vitamin D (sometimes both) on top of this which I've found has helped me feel more energised and on top of my life.

I hear you, does Vitamin D REALLY make a difference to our mental wellbeing? Yes! It has shown that Vitamin D could in fact play a role in regulating mood and fighting Depression. Research has also shown that Vitamin D deficiency was most common in those experiencing Anxiety and Depression.

I don't want to drop the "e" bomb because it is especially daunting if it's something you don't enjoy let alone if you're in a bad place mentally. However a little bit of exercise can make the world of difference for our worn out little minds.

It can be as chilled as a 20 minute walk around the block or a hardcore hour at the gym, whatever floats your boat.

Don't shoot the messenger but one big thing that tends to keep me intact is being around people. As an introvert myself, I really love my own space but what seems to keep me sane is a good chat and a laugh with friends or family (or the S.O).

I'd highly stress that taking some time out to do what makes you happy at least once a week if not couple of times. With work or school, sometimes both, alongside life's craziness we tend to forget to set aside any time at all to do the things that make us happy.

When you think of that warm fuzzy feeling you get when, extremely content and happy what do you think of? Is it reading a good book? Is it seeing your family and friends? Whatever thought just popped in to your head, THAT is your happy thing and it's what you need an abundance of in your life.

Be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Accept situations for what they are, if you can change something about it, do it. If you can't remember that you DO control how you react to a situation.

Majority of the time, it's the little things we need but tend to overlook like comfy clothes, a cup of tea, a tv show or a cwtch from somebody familiar. These things matter the most so remember to include them, especially if you're feeling a bit rotten.

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